A space for women where health-care meets and prioritises self-care.

Hey there, thank you so much for stopping by. Let me introduce myself!

I am a Clinical Myotherapist with a passion for helping women of all ages manage their pain. I particularly love helping women through their pre-conception, pregnancy, and postpartum journeys. My goal is to promote women to lead positive, active and pain free lives, providing highly qualified and evidence based treatments, whilst also equipping them with the skills and encouragement to help manage their pain and discomfort outside of my clinic room.

In each and every consultation with me, you can expect a warm and welcoming environment, where your concerns are listened to and your goals for your pain and treatment are considered. I ensure the comfort and safety of all women, including mum and bub, throughout your appointment, whilst providing you with an individual and tailored treatment plan to suit your goals. I have a great desire to assist women in improving their physical and mental wellbeing through the benefits of Myotherapy and Massage.

I am undeniably a dog person, with my own cheeky sausage dog named Donald at home. I live with my husband, Shane, and in my spare time enjoy a good outdoor nature walk and exploring new places in Victoria. I am a huge bookworm and am constantly bringing home too many books to fit in our bookshelves, and I love baking, although I can never follow a recipe.

I also love a weekend reformers pilates class followed an almond croissant and an oat chai latte - it’s all about balance right?

I look forward to meeting you soon!

Meet Jessica

What makes Her Body Myotherapy and Massage different?

Her Body Myotherapy and Massage was created with the female body in mind. As women, our bodies are constantly changing and evolving as we enter new stages of our lives. Adolescence, pre-conception, pregnancy, postpartum, and menopause are all significant events for our bodies, and being able to manage discomfort that may arise with these changes can help to improve both physical and mental wellbeing. Women are also unique in that we have a range of conditions that affect our reproductive system, such as endometriosis and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), that often bring a spectrum of aches and pains.

Her Body is a female only clinic, with a speciality and focus on women.

Book in now to see Jessica